"In the GOP primary process for president, most states use either a “plurality wins all” method or a hybrid of such a system to decide the winner of each state (the rules are fairly complex, see a state-by-state breakdown here)." Winner-take-all is also the main reason that a national popular vote POTUS winner can lose the election. Awarding Electoral College votes proportionally to the top two vote getters in each state is a superior method that doesn't require an amendment to the Constitution: http://fairelectionadvocates.org/index.php/campaigns/campaign-menu

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Another good piece by Hill. And good comment by Dale Clinbeard (thanks for the reference link). Alas, Hill tells us what we - many of us at least - know all too well. Of course Trump could secure the GOP nomination. And winner-take-all Republican primaries are largely if not completely why he could. The majority - even a large majority - of GOP primary voters could oppose Trump but no matter - it's plurality winner-take-all. Also many GOP primary voters seem to be more interested in sending messages by supporting Trump than winning the general election where Trump would have little chance (hopefully!) of prevailing. Sending messages apparently trumps winning general elections.

Political problems rarely have single simple solutions. But the problem that could lead to Trump's nomination does. And no one reading Hill's piece here needs reminding of what that solution is.

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