Sitemap - 2022 - DemocracySOS

Democracies vs. authoritarianism

Why Green Europe leads the world while the US lags behind

Sweden and Quebec: Lessons from two different electoral systems

Alaska – of all places – shows what a bipartisan coalition could look like

What if…Palestine, Egypt, Hungary…and the US…used a modern electoral system?

The Role of Truth in a Democracy

Democrats lost their House majority due to Independent Redistricting Commissions

Our Electoral Reform Moment

He’s baaaaa-ack. Darth Donald tries again

Election musings and late-night smörgåsbord about a few things great and small

Pacific Northwest leading the nation on political reform

Ranked choice voting’s Big Adventure on November 8

Elon Musk: why the new Joker of global publishing is a threat to democracy

Fascists, far-right and neo-Nazis on the loose

Who’s Right, Who’s Wrong: the unfair underrepresentation of Latinos in LA

A Real-World Map for Understanding the Irascible Pandemonium of US Politics

Battle in Seattle: RCV vs. Approval Voting this November

The tragedy of LA’s rotten racial politics? There’s a real solution

America votes with RCV on November 8

Faulty Textbooks: The Strip Mining of Anthony Downs’ "Economic Theory of Democracy"

Supreme Court ready to take a sledgehammer to US democracy?

GOP struggles with nominating electable candidates

Italy’s election backfires using US-style voting

To Split or Not to Split: The Negatives of Vote Splitting on Diverse Representation

The Five Harmful Gremlins of Winner-Take-All Elections

The Internet and Democracy: can they co-exist?

Alaska election results show why Condorcet is obsolete

TimeMachine: The time Susan B. Anthony was arrested -- for voting

After Alaska, now comes Nevada

Here’s Why Sarah Palin Lost to Alaska Native Democrat Mary Peltola

America’s Crisis of Democracy Has Already Arrived

Ranked choice voting is gaining steam across the nation

What if Congress was elected by proportional representation?

Alaskans’ first RCV election a success – but complainers gonna complain

Trump’s sheriffs plotting to confiscate voting machines

Keep History Alive: Protecting the 57 Year Legacy of the Voting Rights Act

The US Supreme Court and Viktor Orbán – birds of a feather

How the “Pyramid of Money” corrupts US democracy

Lesson for political reformers: “Sometimes success can take a while”

Seattle political reformers could learn from Portland

It’s time for a constitutional convention

How do you start a political reform movement?

Women’s rights yesterday, today and tomorrow

“Representation for all” – for real? – here’s what it looks like

SCOTUS scourge: how to end run the Supreme Court’s emerging threat to democracy

NYC makes history with a majority-women city council

The good, the bad and the ugly of redistricting reform

July 4th special: Jefferson vs. Madison on the subway

Automatic voter registration – the most powerful tool against voter suppression

The center is not holding – here’s why, and how to fix it

Why electoral systems matter: a thought experiment

What Fargo Reveals about Approval Voting

Portland shows the way – representation in “Multi-everything” Cities

TimeMachine: So you think coups and stolen elections are un-American?

Headlines: Gerrymandering comes with a high price tag. Fair Representation doesn’t

Periscope: Misdiagnosing the vital signs of democracy

Nuts&Bolts: What would proportional representation look like in the United States?

Headlines: Australian women lead a revolution of independent candidates

Why no gun control? Because of the failure of winner-take-all elections

Headlines: Party primaries are a slow motion train wreck

Nuts&Bolts: Whither and Whether Proportional Voting in the USA

DeepThink: The Five Harmful Gremlins of Winner-Take-All Elections

Periscope: Reversing women’s underrepresentation is key to a better society

ReformHistory: “It was twenty years ago today– Sgt Pepper taught the band to play”

Headlines: The gerrymandering wars are bleeding us dry

Headlines: NYC makes history with a majority-women city council

Periscope: Why French Runoffs Work Better than American Ones

DeepThink: Everyday People Are Designing Chile’s New National Constitution

Periscope: The (Latin) Americas Take the Lead in Women's Representation

"Generation Why Not" Takes on Electoral Reform

Headlines: French Presidential Elections Expose Limitations of Traditional Runoffs

Nuts&Bolts: Representation in the City of Beverage

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